Faux BoJo takes a trip to the barber after Boris Johnson gets his hair cut – Esher Faux BoJo takes a trip to the barber after Boris Johnson gets his hair cut – EsherFaux BoJo takes a trip to the barber after Boris Johnson gets his hair cut – EsherFaux BoJo takes a trip to the barber after Boris Johnson gets his hair cut – EsherFaux BoJo takes a trip to the barber after Boris Johnson gets his hair cut – Esher
Bollocks to Brexit bus parks in Esher, SurreyThe crowd in Esher photographs the performers in front of the Bollocks to Brexit bus – SurreyFaux BoJo performs in Esher after having his hair cut – SurreyFaux BoJo performs in Esher after having his hair cut – SurreyA man stands by the roadside in Esher holding a “Bin Brexit” sign – SurreyMadeleina Kay performs in Esher, Surrey
Protesters gather in Westminster on 11th December after Theresa May cancels the Meaningful vote in parliament on her deal – WestminsterProtesters gather in Westminster on 11th December after Theresa May cancels the Meaningful vote in parliament on her deal – WestminsterGraham Hughes, Santa (Tim Evans) and Madeleina Kay – WestminsterMadeleina Kay speaks to the Deusche Welle News crew in front of the Bollocks to Brexit bus – WestminsterMadeleina Kay is interviewed by Deusche Welle News on the bus – WestminsterMadeleina Kay sits on the front seat of the Bollocks to Brexit bus – WestminsterProtesters gather in Westminster on 11th December after Theresa May cancels the Meaningful vote in parliament on her deal – Westminster
Pimlico Plumbers
Protesters gather in front of the Bollocks to Brexit bus parked under Pimlico Plumber’s ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ sign in VauxhallProtesters gather in front of the Bollocks to Brexit bus parked under Pimlico Plumber’s ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ sign in VauxhallSanta Claus (Tim Evans) stands in front of a skip – Vauxhall