Press Release

Press Release – Friday 7th December 2018 – For Immediate Release


Campaigners for a 2nd referendum today launch a ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ bus tour, encompassing 50 destinations across the UK, Belgium and Ireland. The big yellow bus, emblazoned with the words ‘Bollocks to Brexit’, aims to spark public debate to engage people all over the UK in the conversation about Brexit and the benefits of remaining in the EU.

“The bus might be bold in it’s wording, but we need bold right now,” says Paolo Arrigo, a small business owner and one of the organisers. Small businesses are the backbone of the UK economy. The best deal is staying in the EU – which is not perfect – and reforming it. We are fighting brexit using democracy. This right to protest is protected in British law and we want to engage with people with all views on brexit and urge them to write to their MP’s. Membership of the EU gives many benefits – and it would be crazy to throw these away.”

The ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ brand has become increasingly well known in recent months, with 700,000 ‘Bollocks to brexit’ stickers sold on the @EUFlagMafia’ online store. They have now become an iconic element of anti-Brexit protests, notably the traditional post-march stickering of the cabinet office. The stickers are instantly recognisable and very popular at any event, especially at music festivals.

We will have the bus wrapped in a radiant yellow with the following text on the side:

The bus will stop in towns and cities across the UK and stage rallies for the local pro EU groups. It will include an MC and speakers on the bus tour, who will give the facts based case to stop Brexit, alongside musical performances from @MadeleinaKay the #EUsupergirl and Drew Galdon (a singing Boris Johnson impersonator known as @FauxBoJo). It will have a large stock of ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ stickers to give out to everyone attending rallies, along with Madeleina Kay’s #24ReasonstoRemain posters and fact booklets.

The bus visits Brussels and Dublin on the tour to target European and international press with our anti Brexit message, highlighting the corruption of the Leave campaign. “We believe Brexit is NOT the democratic ‘will of the People’”, says Grosvenor. “Public opinion has shifted and most British people now want to reject Theresa May’s deal and stay in the European Union. It’s time for British citizens to be bold and proud, and say: BOLLOCKS TO BREXIT!”

Notes for editors:


Bus Phone: (+44)7780 772765

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