The Monstrosity Float was specially commissioned by ‘Stop Brexit Ltd’ for the March to the Conservative Party Conference on the 1st October 2017. It was hidden inside an impenetrable box (Customs never got inside) to ensure the surprise for the waiting crowds.
UK Border, Dover ! Unwrapping “Off we go!”
The Monstrosity lead the march, with a phalanx of police horses as escort, through the streets of Manchester. At the end of the march it was placed in open storage to pass the winter until the protests of the next year. The Great Northern Marches in Leeds and Newcastle took place at the endow March 2018 again with the Monstrosity in pride of place at the front.

From Newcastle, the Float was driven down to a warehouse to the north of London for storage and repairs in preparation for further campaigns in and around London.
Further details will be added here
See the ‘Fixing the Monstrosity‘ post for more
In all the Monstrosity travelled over 3,300 kms to attend the protest events throughout the country.

At the end of 2019, Monstrosity returned to Germany to be the centrepiece of an exhibition at Schloss Oberhausen of Jacques Tilly’s work. It remains there until June 2020. The exhibition also displays the vast range of media articles featuring the various Anti-Brexit Floats throughout the world.