Various organisations within the Remain Movement have crowdfunded and brought over the four satirical floats created by Jacques Tilly in Dusseldorf for campaigns in the UK:
- Gun: Instigated by ‘Unite for Europe Ltd’ in March 2017.
- Monstrosity: Initially crowdfunded by ‘Stop Brexit Ltd’ as part of the March to the Conservative party Conference on 1st October 2017 and the Great Northern Marches in Leeds and Newcastle on 24/25th March 2018. Subsequent campaigns crowdfunded by EU Flag Mafia throughout 2019.
- Nose: Crowdfunded by EU Flag Mafia for the ‘People’s March’ on 23rd March 2019 and subsequent campaigns in London during 2019.
- Demonic Cummings: Crowdfunded by EU Flag Mafia for the ‘Put it to the People’ March on 19th October 2019 and subsequent local campaigns.